Andreas started his plastic packaging career about 10 years ago where he worked for Aptar as Director Custom Development Closures beauty+home Europe.
In 2018 Andreas decided to join BERICAP, where in his current global position as Group Technical Sales Director Beverage and Food, Andreas works in a close contact with the leading companies of the beverage industry.
Andreas holds a mechanical engineer degree of the technical college Eckert Regenstauf, and supported several packaging Expert groups, like Material Strategy Task Force, Injection Machine and Mold Expert Group, Elastomeric Flow Control Expert team and Additive manufacturing Global Expert Group during the last 10 years.
Andreas is an active member of several committees and beverage dedicated workgroups like German DIN, Cetie, CEN and isbt.
Presentation title: The industry challenge: tethered caps and the impact on the future neck standard for a 26 mm CSD neck